In the wake of the devastating overnight fires that recently struck Shenandoah Valley, Blue Water is showing its gratitude to the brave first responders, park rangers, and members of the Luray Police department and Page County Sheriff’s office who worked tirelessly to control the situation by offering a complimentary stay Luray RV Resort on Shenandoah River.
Page County Fire-EMS and Shenandoah National Park employees and their families are invited to enjoy a complimentary stay for up to 7 nights, with a minimum stay of 2 nights, from April 14-21. Availability is based on a first-come, first-served basis, and individuals must present valid identification.
"We are immensely grateful to the first responders who risk their lives to protect our communities," said Blue Water's CEO, Todd Burbage. "Their courage and dedication are commendable, and we want to express our gratitude by providing them with a free stay at our property and the opportunity to take in the beauty of the Shenandoah Valley."
First responders can choose from any of the property's accommodation types, including RV sites, cottages, glamping tents, cabins, or airstream rentals, for their complimentary stay. Reservations must be booked directly by calling (540) 743-5540 and using promo code THANKYOU24.
For those unable to stay during this timeframe, Blue Water invites them to stay any time during the season and receive a 20% discount by booking online using promo code PFR20 at checkout.
Blue Water remains committed to supporting its communities and expressing gratitude to those who tirelessly serve and protect them. If you would like to join in that support, Blue Water has set up a donation link that will allow you to participate via monetary donations using the Venmo link All donations will be split between the Page County Fire-EMS and Shenandoah National Park.
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